Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"Click it Up a Notch" Photo Challenge

Today I am entering my first photo challenge. Courtney over at Click it Up a Notch is hosting her first photo challenge. Post your best picture for April.

Most of my April shots are from my 365 Photo a Day Challenge. I tried this last year and failed. This year I plan to stick with it.

I am up to photo 124, which will be posted in a little bit. It will be a picture of the dinner I made tonight. I just need to put together a recipe card and then I can post it. That would be done already had I not been playing with photo from our trip to Big Bear during Spring Break. The sun was setting and we were out on a bridge overlooking the water and I saw in my head the shot I wanted. I quickly rounded up the boys (we were staying in my friends' cabin so the boys were my two and their friend). I got them to look out at the water and started messing with my camera. With boys you sometimes have to shoot and run and pray you got what you wanted. It was the end of a very long day and my middle son was whining to go back to the cabin. He is twelve and boy do I see the teenager already coming out in him.

When I got home I anxiously uploaded my pictures and discovered the picture I hoped would come out good came out with some blur. If only I had lugged my tripod out of the car.. Regrets... I thought it was a lost.

Until today... I finally decided it was time to copy my pictures to a disc and give them to my friend. I tend to not give pictures to people, I used to be really good at that too...

Okay, I can't give pictures to people straight out of the camera. So in comes Photoshop and The Pioneer Woman's fantastic actions. I pulled my picture that was a loss and started to play. I am actually happy with the results. PW's Vintage with opacity lowered, PW's Slight Lighten and PW's Burnt Edges. It made the picture a little old looking. I am so happy this picture wasn't a total loss.

Click it Up a Notch


  1. It looks great! I like the edits to make it look vintage.

  2. I know, I can't show anyone the my photos until I have had a chance to see them first, and tweak them a bit in PSE. Really like the feel of this shot.
